clay of the day





2004 Claybie Awards

9:35 p.m.

Do You Want A Piece Of Me?

Okay, time out. TIME. OUT.

I cannot believe what I saw today. I was doing my usual google search for news about my Downy Ball, and I made the colossal mistake of clicking here.

I am not a huge Jim Brickman fan. He has a pretty decent fan base in my town, and I think it�s safe to say if I got free tickets to one of his shows, I would go. But pay to attend, no.

That said, I am IN LOVE with Clay�s version of his song �Love of My Life.� Holy crap on a stick. The first time I listened to that song, I got all tingly and goosebumpy. Excuse me but �take my hand as our shadows dance with moonlight on your skin�? Them�s some good lyrics, yo.

As if the lyrics weren�t enough to reduce me to a puddle of jello (lime, please), Clay sings the song all breathy and low. WHAT IS THAT MAN TRYING TO DO TO ME? Cause me to lose control over 72.5% of my bodily functions, apparently.

I have heard Jim Brickman sing this song. A song he created. I have one thing to say...Jim, I KNOW Clay Aiken, and you are NO Clay Aiken. You wrote a good song, let�s leave it at that.

But hey, I have to give Jim some props here. He�s no fool. He grabbed the udders of the Clay Aiken frenzy and started milking. Look at this part of his website.

I know my retinas are ready to jump the shark due to the inordinate amount of time I spend in front of my 18 inch monitor, but I am pretty sure it says there is a link to a DUET between Jim Brickman and Clay.


Does Jim Brickman take Clay�s fans for a bunch of fools?

First off, we all own the song and have it memorized. So we don't need your crappy little mp3 download. We beatcha to it. We also know Clay sings it a gajillion times better than Jim and for many of us, this song is the epitome of Future Husband Sexy Clay. Jim's version pales in comparison.

Secondly, I can understand Jimmy B. trying to cash in on our Buttercup�s success. Jim did, after all, write ONE of the DOZENS of songs Clay has turned into instant classics or potential goldmines. �Cause everything Clay sings is perfect. Duh.

But don�t insult our intelligence with false advertising. We are exceptionally loyal, dedicated fans, and if you screw with us, we don�t like it.

Who do you think sent Clay�s single skyrocketing to the top of the charts? And kept it there for a good long time? Hey, why do you think Clay is the #5 search in a top-ranking engine for eleven weeks? Do the math, Jim.

If you mess with us again, you will find yourself in one of Clay Aiken�s songs...


clay before
clay after

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