clay of the day





2004 Claybie Awards

9:30 a.m.


Hey, did I tell you that I�m completely hormonal today?

Well, I am.

So here�s what I don�t get.

No, not Keepership. I already ranted about that. This is a NEW rant. Freshy fresh.

Okay, it�s kind of in the keepership rant vein, because I just don�t get the fans who think they OWN Clay Aiken and are entitled to his attention and praise, not to mention his autograph.

We all know I�m the only one who is entitled to his affections. Sheesh.

Before I go off, I just have to add one of my self-deprecating disclaimers. Yeah, I started this little Clay Aiken site thingy. Why? �Cause Clay�s my Butterblume and this is fun. I love to write, and sure, I�m a stats whore who loves knowing that people are reading my verbal diarrhea, but it ends there. In fact, I hope Clay never sees this crap because I will be ALL KINDS of embarrassed. If he ever heard I call him Downy Ball he�d probably run like the dickens. Screaming for Jerome. Ha ha ha - I said �dickens�.

That said, I wonder about the �selfless intentions� of some of these fans. Creating websites, message boards and charities with Clay Aiken�s name as their biggest marketing tool. Now I�m not dissing them completely. There was even a time when my own illusions of grandeur led me to believe that I might be the next biggest philanthropist the world has ever seen since Andrew Carnegie. Hey, if the Autism Society and the YMCA make a load of dough off Clay�s obsessed fans, more power to them. But the people who YOU JUST KNOW are doing this for some kind of twisted exposure...

Dudes, what up with that shizit?

I want to direct all y�alls attention to ONE website that truly REP�ASENTS Clay, dawg.

These people ROCK. If you don�t know about this place, RUN, don�t walk.


It works like this. You sign up. You do something kind and selfless. You tell about it. That�s called planting buttercups. People read the �garden� and connect. The world�s a better place. Brilliant.

Guess what the faboo people running this joint get from this? NOTHING. Guess what they want out of it for themselves? NOTHING.

Well, nothing except the satisfaction of knowing citizens of the human race are out there doing good deeds. The thing I love most about this site is any time someone posts something about getting the attention of Clay or people associated with Clay, the moderators politely assert that Claysbridge isn�t about getting mad props from Clay. That�s how you run a fan site, folks.

Being a fan isn�t about selling all kinds of merchandise and asking people to give you money for his charities. It�s not about calling radio stations to promote airplay or buying the most CDs. It isn�t about concerts or pictures or autographs or T-shirts. That stuff is wonderful and fun all at once.

But to me, being a fan is about admiring the example set by a person in the public eye and doing what you can in your own life to honor that individual�s talent or gift. You do what you think is good and right and you do it quietly and selflessly.


clay before
clay after

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