
Who do you think - in FL
Buttercups are nice and all ... but Papa and I think we should get all the love and attention and I'm not going to give him ANYTHING until I meet him FACE to FACE DAMMITTT... What does he think? That I did this all this FRICKIN' Charity work fer nethin? Well he's got another thing comi- oh wait... oh no... think, think, think... um, what I meant to say ... God must not want us to meet yet...
2003-07-30 10:44:00

I think I'll start a website called
2003-07-30 10:45:20

Beautifully said, Marie. I can so relate; the fantasies, drool, and snark are so much sweet fun while we wait (FOREVER - get a move on with your album, already, Ruben, so Clay can release his!) for the album to come out and then for whatever's after that - but if Clay ever does read this stuff, I'm comforted by the suspicion that he's smart enough to take it in the vein its written in, privately enjoy any little juicy fantasies it inspires for him, and to spare us dying in embarassment by never, ever admitting he saw it!
2003-07-30 20:30:33

celebhith aka Carol
Just a note to tell you the day I read this article, I went to the site and signed up (can I get an "awwwwwww"?). Now, I need a "WWCD" bracelet so I can remember to be nice to all the jerks who live in Florida! I'll do something nice one of these days, I promise!
2003-08-18 23:42:51

Carol (also in Fl)
Hey... just planted my first buttercup... just thought you'd like to know.... after all, it's because you provided the link that I even knew the site existed! God bless you for your love and wit and God bless Clay for being such an awesome inspiration for us all. Sounds sooooo darned cliche' but he really has changed my life! Oh, btw... I just created a new abbreviation: omghsfgicb... but I'll have to wait until I get home to translate for y'all (I'm at work and they won't appreciate the "f" in the abbreviation.
2003-08-21 13:59:22

I know this comment is late, but I just found this site and wanted you to know Marie that I thought your comments on this subject were so great. I found the other site some time ago and have planted my own buttercups. We all know that Clay has extradionary talent, but I do believe that his number one "talent" is inspiring people to be better human beings. Thanks again Marie.
2003-08-30 19:24:23

Trudi - ClaynadianMomma
OK so, Carol (also in Fl), Are ya home from work yet?? It HAS been 2 weeks since your post!!! It's 3:30 in the am and I just can't get my head around omghsfgicb... I guess the C is for Clay and the F, well you said that wasn't good at work.... Oh...I think I maybe just got it... something like ... Oh my God he is so F****** GORGEOUS I could just B?? Buttercup? Bite-him?
2003-09-06 06:33:55

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