clay of the day





2004 Claybie Awards

3:32 p.m.

Do I Hear 2000?

I�m all kinds of happy from my trip to Albany, also known as Round Two of My Life as a Clay Aiken Groupie, so I don�t have much snark in me today.

Then, Linda turned me on to this tidbit of information, and I actually drew in breath! Usually Clay Aiken news causes me to exhale, mostly in a sighing or panting fashion.

$2045.20 for a teddy bear!


In a matter of one hour and sixteen minutes, the �price� of the bear increased by over 700 dollars.

That is some serious generosity, folks. I�m a donating kind of gal, but I surely don�t have the funds to be that giving. Kudos to the high bidder.

The auction was held by the Look What Love Has Done Campaign. Another group of Clay fans who rate high on my cool scale. Check them out.

Funds raised will benefit the Bubel-Aiken Foundation.

A while back, I ranted about people who try to make money for themselves from a celebrity�s notoriety.

Today I�m endorsing the crap out of this kind of ebaying. I hope this group is able to present Clay with a big fat check at the Raleigh concert tonight for their efforts.

The Look What Love Has Done Campaign has an ebay store with links-o-plenty that showcase their good work.

Now let me go find something to complain about before I go completely soft on y�all!

clay before
clay after

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