
Wendy in FL
hey, I made a Clay Bear for Clay to auction on Ebay... I'm taking it to Orlando... I'll give it to Jerome so he can be all pissed off while he's carrying around a Clay Bear.. hehehe .. Jerome... pissed off... carrying a bear that looks like CLay... I think I'm going to CRACK UP NOW!!!!!
2003-08-06 16:25:32

Awwww, Marie, you ol' softie, you.
2003-08-07 00:56:24

Cristine Gannon
That auction site was addicting--I was bidding on a bunch of stuff and if I were wealthy, would be wearing that used Clay Tshirt/rightnow (and looking for red chest hairs stuck to the fabric). I did win the bid on a couple of things, the singed Rollingstone, the backstage photo donated by Michael Orland, and the YMCA shirt singed by Clay' Mom. And, I will be eating cat food for the next month because I spent all my money--but am SO happy!! Will thei OCD ever end?
2003-08-09 11:20:45

I would love to buy Clay stuff - like there is somebody selling video of a wedding he sang at "before" but I would want the money to go to his foundation. There are so many people making and selling stuff with his name and picture all over them, just making money off of something they have no right to (MY Clay, that is). I'm enjoying reading on your site - it is comforting to know that I am not the ONLY clazy forty-something woman, although I feel a little less special now.......
2003-09-06 04:33:05

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