
Danielle Marie's friend Wendy in FL
2004-01-29 17:40:28

Danielle Marie, You are brilliant!!
2004-01-29 19:57:24

Melissa Marie
Yo, that wasn't the crisp air reddening your cheeks.
2004-01-29 20:00:52

Katynka Marie
Parallel parking! Do you comfort him in his terror? Or are you too focused on the shoes in this little fantasy? (Welcome back!)
2004-01-29 20:03:20

wendy in fl
One more thing .. I'd kill to see Clay in that black strappy number on the shelf between his legs! Gah!
2004-01-29 20:05:47

They'd go so nicely with the sparkly vest collection!
2004-01-29 20:08:31

I know you put your hand in his lap while he parallel parked, that's why he looked so nervous.
2004-01-29 22:58:21

Yay! CLAY OF THE DAY has returned!

*whispers* I have never heard or seen Marie Osmond sing, perform, talk, etc. Same goes for her brother, too.
2004-01-29 23:29:37

Wendy Marie in Fl
I signed the last one wrong ... and ERIN .. My GAWD - you are too young! HAHAHA
2004-01-30 10:31:24

Tony Marie
I have it on good authority that you'd go shoe shopping with him if this fantasy came true.
2004-01-30 20:19:13

Who's Marie Osmond? I've never heard of her either! Am I supposed to know her or is it normal?
2004-02-01 02:30:34

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