
wendy N fl
So were you "drinking" the Schlitz while watching the pomp, poop and pageantry?
2003-09-29 21:23:26

You don't have any pictures of Clay! I wanted to see pictures of Clay! Do you have any new pictures of Clay? Did you get a chance to kiss Clay while you were there?
2003-09-29 21:40:24

Wait! I forgot something. Can I have a do-over?

I also wanted to say, women would never objectify a man that way! We just wouldn't think about oogling some cute guy, and expecting him to perform for us in a so called talent contest, and then, root for him to win, then oogle him some more, and celebrate his success, and treat him like he's some kind of king, and try to see him whenever we could, and talk about his looks and his clothes and his 'talents' all the time. That's all just so wrong. Or, perhaps it is my Lifestyle!
2003-09-29 21:46:16

It's not easy to sing like a cow giving birth and act like a cat in heat. Oh, they're there for scholarships...that's why 50% of them were looking forward to a career in the "entertainment industry." I hope they're all "Pole Dancer Barbie's" too!

Completely unrelated...I noticed you mentioned Clay's goat at the bottam of your page...ya know, I got a goat wrestler if you need one!
2003-09-29 21:54:30

Yay, she's back! She's back! She updates!! I'm just relieved Clay's performance was scheduled at the beginning of the show... Linda, happy to be among the "usses"
2003-09-29 21:58:54

I think you're giving the "them" way too much credit. Perhaps they were dressed to the nines and you weren't, but honestly I think they live in the same wing as Bev at the Ward!
2003-09-30 11:45:11

I guess I could say at this point I could be offended, but so many people sterotype pageant girls already that it becomes numb. I am a pageant girl and before you already think dumb, blonde, read the rest of this. I did not do pageant my whole life, in fact I played sports. I have over 20 trophies because I wanted to be the best in those sports. There was no satisfaction. I did my first pageant at the age of 17 on a fluke. I received second-runner-up. During that year I realized all the people that I could affect, for the better when I traveled all around the state. I also have been in contact with people that wouldn't normally get visited. I am here to say that I am a but hurt, it's not all about hair spray and pounds of make-up. In fact most of us would rather be in jeans and t-shirts. I for one know that being up there is a lot harder than you think. Here are a few reasons. After awhile I started getting so caught up in winning and wanting a crown that I lost touch with the reason i competed. I had to stop competing to go back to my first love-helping others. You lose yourself because others put a label on you. Others expect stuff from you. People sterotype you. Your constantly judged by the people you work for and with, those in the world, your famliy, your coaches, and most importantly yourself. I was fine being me. I was fine competing the way I competed, but all of a sudden everytime I stepped out of the house people noticed me and expected more than just me. "I wonder how can she be a pageant girl, she showed up without make up on." So then you try to put some on. If you eat one dessert your head spazzes out thinking, thats going to make me fat, i've got a swimsuit comp. If you don't act perfect always, someone watches and labels you. Dating??!! HA! HA! That's a joke. Everyone thinks that pageant girls have tons of guys and all of us have boyfriends. NOT TRUE AT ALL!! In fact for the most part I and several of my friends do NOT mention that we compete to a guy. Why?? Because it's too hard to find a guy who's not intimidated by our resumes. They automatically think that we are supposed to be perfect. Our hair should never be disheveled, we should remain skinny, never have cramps, never have a zit, always be perfect. If we aren't perfect have a bad day, cry, become angry, stick closely to another pageant girl and share a laugh at an inside joke, we are labeled, whiners, babies, spoiled, a "typical" pageant girl, brats, and snotty. I have worked on and for my platform since I was 12, long before I ever thought of being in a pageant. I have worked with several org. and I am in the process of creating a tv show for my platform. I've even been to other countries on behalf of my platform. I work very hard to use my own money to start my own org. which can't get money b/c people don't want to give it until it can be a tax deduction. It can't be that until it is legally a non-profit org. by the gov. I did go to college, I do have over 50,000 in college bills. So, why is it a problem that we use that money for school. We don't get paid for our platforms. We also spend almost 24/7 on our platforms, not because we need it to compete, but because this platform is part of our life. Most of us have got our platform based on life experiences. It does not cost to enter miss america prelims, however we have to pay for gas to get to places maybe even 4 hours away, we pay for our evening gowns which are ususally over $500.00, then we have shoes in the $100.00's, jewelry in the $400.00's, hotels, traveling to promote our platform and school all at once. If you don't win you get nothing for your college bills. We don't paychecks every week to support that stuff. Designers don't offer dresses like Nike offers football equipment and uniforms. I know that a lot of girls seem fake and they do it because of beauty and all that crap, however for the majority of us, we do it for the people that support us, and for those who need a light to shine on their platform. In my eyes I don't see a crown anymore, I see a piece of metal with jewelry in it, that holds the key, they key to a door that opens state and nationwide awareness to my platform and the people that it reaches out to. If you were looking for a place where you get money and lots of gifts and fake girls try Miss USA. I am not sure if it was a joke out of pure jealousy or hate towards pageant girls, but don't pre-judge the people that you don't know. Yeah, most of us are looking for jobs in the entertainment industry, well guess what>>> that's probably because using communications (tv radio etc) is the most powerful way to give light on issues. If we all sat on our duffs and just told a few people about our platform none of the thousands we have helped would get anything. POLE DANCING BARBIES!!! Are you kidding me?? I am serioulsy offended about that. We can't even burp without someone having an opinion or judging us. It's not that we live in a bubble world, it's more that we live in the sterotype that those of you have given to us. We are in constant watch that when we win we basically are owned by that board and that city. People wonder why pageant girls can get snoody sometimes or seem to be in a group of their own. Well, once your in, your in. In the pageant world we try to love, respect, and support another because of rude comments and jealous friends and people. We might seem to be in a tight group of our own, it's because we have to be. Have you ever seen a sorority or been in one?? Now you understand. I am not trying to bash, I am not trying to be a jerk, in fact I have actually refraned from saying what I wanted to, not fighting back in anger and pure hurt. I simply wrote this to give you an eyes view from the other side. Please don't judge us or anyone else until you've walked in another's shoes. Yeah without sin cast the first stone. How would you feel if we pageant girls combine together all over the world and bashed and critisized everyone else in this world for their every action and every move? Maybe just maybe, instead of bashing you should turn your energy into not looking at the girl, but what she is there to represent. Maybe you could make a difference too, by supporting one of those platforms. I know as soon as people read this I will be judged and bashed again. Food for thought...Maybe your not perfect...were all just people on earth trying to make a difference in some way...Maybe the person you know so much about is a pageant girl and you didn't know it. I am a Clay fan, but what's the difference with him competing compared to a pageant? Is it b/c of the voting? Oh, that's great, we'll let America vote on Miss America, maybe that will make people happy. New flash if america votes there will be a war on that too. talent and interview make up 70 percent of the score. NOT BEAUTY AND LOOKS!! If America votes I am sure that there will be those that will vote on looks. If you really think that poorly about pageant girls, join the system and become and judge. Then you can see the real stuff, behind the scenes, you can pick Miss Barbie Pole Dancer, and then you can blame yourselves. I don't hate any people here. I hate the ignorance, and the disrespect for people they don't know. As for you all feeling out of place, because you were in jeans, who cares, were you comfortable and became uncomfortable when you saw others there? How is that Miss America and the families and supporters of the girls to be at fault for that? Would you go to the emmy's in jeans and a t-shirt? This is the nationsl pageant for us, is the big show, we would be stupid to not look our best. If we came out in bridesmaids gowns the audience wore jeans we would be who wants to marry a millionaire or the bachelor. Did you go to weddings, funerals, operahs,plays, & symphonies in jeans? Serioulsy your uncomfort level shouldn't result in bashing of us, or did you use us to blame. I for one don't care what anyone where's when they see me except my parents. If I win i'd like to have them there in something a bit nice for pictures and not frumpy clothes. For everyone else, please come comfortable, why? because I leave in sweats and a t-shirt and slippers. Being taped, glued, and having more makeup than tammy faye is not my idea of comfortable, but I am willing to go through for a few hours for a total of a couple months a year, iif it will get more support for my org. I am sorry if you all hate me now, bash me, etc. but please be careful with your words, because they can be harmful even in jest. Not just to me, but others, think of your little girls that might have that dream of being Miss America, think of the orphanages, children's hospitals, nursing homes, veterans, and minorities that have been touched by a pageant girl's platform.
2003-10-07 02:54:14

Aren't you a bit embarrassed? You can debate the merits/flaws of pageants forever, but they're basically talent shows. So you're insulting talent show contestants...on a site dedicated to a talent show contestant.
2003-10-14 15:20:31

Dude, that was so funny. I loved it. Of course, just because I say it's funny doesn't mean I am making fun of those pagent girls... or does it? *think* Well, in any case, they (meaning pagent people) should keep an open mind and not take things so seriously sometimes. This article, though, was hillarious! - BP
2003-10-25 23:29:12

oops I spelled pageant wrong... boo me. Sry! - BP
2003-10-25 23:30:02

wow... someone's opinionated(sp?)... damn..
2003-11-28 14:10:40

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