
Carol (in Fla)
Marie... you are hereby forgiven for the latest (and nearly unforgiveable) lapse in posting here.... had to pick myself up off the floor and go to the ladies room (I'm at work) to get myself back together again. Though I disagreed with you at first, pink works with Clay.... I'll work with Clay! Doesn't matter what color the boy is... he is utterly delish... can you spell s-e-x-y?
2003-09-07 08:41:09

Sunny day, Sweeping the clouds away. Yea Baby!
2003-09-07 08:44:46

OK, here's the, you, Clay & Elmo! I'm saying who's with who at this point, but it is CLAY & ELMO we are talikng about..either way, you can't go wrong! Who Loves ya! Oh, that'd be ME!
2003-09-07 09:49:39

I just love the detail you go into with each entry! Kidding aside, this really is an awesome idea - with the influence Clay has on children, PBS ought to seriously consider our boy for a celebrity guest appearance. Let's push this idea. Really.
2003-09-07 10:10:36

Damn you, girl! I'd be spittin' mad if I weren't laughing so hard! HA! Wouldn't the Clig make a cute Muppet?
2003-09-07 10:30:21

P-I-N-K. Maybe he is pink!

No, now I'm pink from looking at those pictures.

I could see Clayton appearing on a Sesame Street episode, but, um, he better not be looking like that, or, it will be a whole new kind of lesson.
2003-09-07 10:40:46

Ooooh...Clay on Sesame Street? Maybe I'd get my first Cluppet! Aw yeah.
2003-09-07 10:56:00

Wendy in FL
I don't care what color he is... I'd be all over him like Ms. Piggy on Kermit!
2003-09-07 12:13:20

Julie Me luvs some pink Clayflesh. Pinky pinky pink. And getting pinker all the time... ;o)
2003-09-07 12:23:02

You did it again!! You make me laff. I hope he sees this and appreciates your most excellent humor.
2003-09-10 16:33:48

You did it again!! You make me laff. I hope he sees this and appreciates your most excellent humor.
2003-09-10 16:33:52

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