
I'm still trying to figure out that one you call Close up Eye F***. I mean, I get the Eye F***, thank you very much, but what is that face telling you? Is that a sleepy face Eye F***? Is that a 'I don't give a s**t' Eye F***? Help me understand the man behind that Eye F***, please. Must go study photo more. Research project.
2003-08-29 22:18:38

Wendy in FL
Sweet Fancy Moses is right!!! Holy CLAP!
2003-08-29 22:38:12

I must get off floor to go to airport... will but 10 copies at all 3 airports I visit tomorrow. Will that be enough? I picked "come over here so I can debacle you on this here bike" Clay, but the vet in me wants to jump in with puppy Clay and play, and well, the rest of the pictures I just want to jump him. I never felt the PRoC urge to use debacle as a verb until these photos.
2003-08-29 22:55:36

I will BUY 10 copies not "but" 10 copies. Oh yeah, "Doggie style" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
2003-08-29 22:58:05

Ok, so, I came back to look, I mean, to vote again. Plus, I forgot to say my guess: Marie so loves the Downy Arms t-shirt pic! What do I win?
2003-08-30 00:09:16

Lady Luke
You are one talented Broad! Thanks for providing "Playtime with Clay" on your website. I voted for Close-up Eye F**k Clay, but like Nelle, am just wondering what kind it is. But does it matter?
2003-08-30 01:40:04

They all leave me BREATHLESS! But there is something about him laying on his back!!! that reallly does something!
2003-08-30 09:07:51

Close Up EF is officially my favorite pic ever. Can I be a keeper of it???
2003-09-02 17:16:47

Carol (FL)
Okay... Marie ~ you KNOW I'm your biggest fan (well, you probably don't, but you do now) and I really think I've been MORE than patient! But have you noticed the date on this page???? 8/29 fercryingoutloud (to steal a phrase from another great Broad)! And today's date is 9/4! Now what's up with that???? Yes, the main page is always awesome. The purple pages leave me rolling and in tears. But you, my dear, melt my frosting (????? where the h*ll did THAT come from?), and I eagerly await your next page. Oh, I know... all the usual excuses.... RL, work, yada yada to the hand girlfriend! I want to see more of your genius! Just be glad I'm telling you this "privately" and not in the purple pages..... don't make me resort to embarassing you in front of ALL the Broads! Love ya!
2003-09-04 10:23:07

Trudi - ClaynadianMomma
SO obviously, this statement is just pure Bushtit: "This site contains sarcastic humor and immature comments which in no way represent the author's true feelings about her sweet Downy Ball (The Artist Formerly Known as Clay Aiken)." ....... Because the sarcastic humour and immature comments DO TOTALLY represent!!! But WHAT ON EARTH is this supposed to mean: "Anyone who takes this site seriously should get some of that medication Clay suggested on Oprah." ... how could you NOT take this site seriously!! Please explain!!
2003-09-06 07:33:16

Hi Trudi. Thanks for all your comments. About the last part of disclaimer...just reiterating that behind the snark, I FRIGGIN' ADORE CLAY. Hey, that would be a good show on VH1 - "Behind the Snark" - just interviews of me watching TV, reading magazines and surfing the net and then bitching about them.
2003-09-06 08:07:03

Trudi - ClaynadianMomma
O-Clay.... My computer monitor now tells me that it is ^:!% (that's 6:15 in caps!!) A!M! and I have been up ALL night just to get caught up with your site. Oh I am going to feel like hell later today, but I have had SUCH a good time reading your stuff. When I was in Seattle for Clay's concert (I live near Vancouver, British Clayumbia) to songs came to mind "Cherish is the word I use to describe....." and "Expressway to Your 5:00,, It's much to crowded...(etc)".....My husband was up a little while ago to check on me.... there will be hell to pay... but WHAT'S a girl to do. OCD may be uncurable (I hope!!) I suspect that it is going to be a chronic/acute disorder that is only going to become more epidemic in proportion as time goes on..... G'night now - well, good morning, actually, the sun is coming up!! Thank God the kids don't have school today so I don't have any time-restrained commitments before having to take my daughter to dance in the afternoon....... My husband just came in again, actually, I think he might have just gotten up for the clay...oh , I mean day!!!......
2003-09-06 09:20:53

I'm glad to see Close Up EyeF*** is doing well in the poll. For the record, it's the one where it looks like Clay's just gotten into a fistfight, and he's just shown up on your porch, in the rain, wanting to collapse into your arms crying and looking for comfort....whoops, private fantasy. My bad.
2003-09-06 11:34:59

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