
Wendy in FL
Don't even get me STARTED - I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YA!!!
2003-08-25 16:40:45

Nooo! Doesn't she remember the travesty that was Hadas singing "You Light Up My Life?" Was she paying attention? I mean, you should know from the beginning that _no one_ should sing that song, but it's already been _proven_ on American Idol! What did Clay say about his ideal girl?! Where can I find this interview?
2003-08-25 17:09:17

Since I turned 27 this year, I will not take offense Marie. Phew, glad I barely made the "adult" threshold. Funny, but I don't feel like an adult. I can't wait to see this girl on the out takes show. I bet you a million bucks she forgets the words! Oh yeah, and I totally missed this Clay interview, too!
2003-08-25 17:16:38

I swear, you could make me laugh if my appendix burst and I was lying in the floor in utter and complete pain! AI3 contestants...Fools...the lot of them!
2003-08-25 17:22:04

There's going to be an AI3? What's the point? That mold's been broke, baby!
2003-08-25 17:38:57

From what I hear of Slimon's "standards" for A13, assuming her boobs are bigger than his, she sounds kinda perfect for that!
2003-08-25 20:13:32

Ok I have no idea who you are.. I just happened to stumble onto your site.. but I think the only thing that I love more than Clay is sarcasm.. and you are awesome! That story was hilarious!
2003-09-08 03:08:23

Hi. I'm right there with Ashlee, she's the one who showed me this site and yes, she is totally a Clay Freak. But aren't we all, am I right? Lol. This story was soo funny! I totally agree with you and I could rant about people like that... but I'm not going to bore you with my life...(lol). Great story! Loved it!
2003-09-08 16:15:51

Marie.....I'm sitting here applauding you - 'nuff said.
2003-09-17 21:53:22

Ok I just found this site- and I am sorry it has taken me so long to do so. I agree with everything you have said- and I think your commentary is right on point!! Keep it up!
2003-09-28 17:30:04

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