
So what you're saying is that you like dorks, right?
2003-08-19 20:20:36

As long as they have red hair, yes.
2003-08-19 20:31:06

Oooooh, thanks for that nice trip down memory lane! Love that Group Three lip bite photo (after Open Arms). Great shot of our Clay in tears...*sigh*
2003-08-19 21:23:32

Thank you. You must be reading my mind. My favorite Clay is the Atlanta audition Clay. I hear him singing that song in my mind all the time! And yes. That's my kind of guy Too!!
2003-08-19 21:47:38

I think what you said is all true. What we all would give for a man who can be all that he is in one magnificate package. I truly love Clayton Holmes Aiken Beautiful
2003-08-19 21:53:03

Thank you so much for that! My Clay love comes in all forms, but I love Natural Clay the best of weakness for redheads...
2003-08-19 23:24:52

I love Atlanta Clay, too. But my favorite is Charlotte Clay. The Charlotte audition where he is wearing this over-the-top shirt and his hair is "set." He looks skinnier and even more (dare I say it?) feminine. Eeeh. And when he doesn't know which way to hold up his number so he keeps flipping them over, but it doesn't matter because his number is 88! Atlanta Clay is geek that has been sleeping on the ground for two days. Charlotte Clay is geek all primped up! Yum, yum!
2003-08-20 02:23:56

wendy in florida - Clay's TRAMP!
I like the Clay that called me a TRAMP the other night... that's the one I wanna spend some time wit' ... ya know what I'm sayin'?
2003-08-20 14:42:15

I couldn't agree more! Afterall, and speaking for myself only, the voice of course first and then the person Clay is, was what I fell for first. The gorgeous, hot, sexy, wonderful Clay came second. Then you present the entire Clay package and YOWZA!
2003-08-20 15:25:49

Can I hear me an Amen on the pics of la'natural Clay! Some of these are my all time favs and when I see them, I lose all bladder control...but maybe that is just TMI!
2003-08-20 17:13:15

My RL g'friends all give me a hard time because the man of choice, for me, is nearly always a dork, geek, him what you will. I don't DO "pretty"......which leaves me in a hell of a dilemma, because there's no denying that our Buttercup, while a geek, is also danged PRETTY! He is definitely the man of MY dreams... he's perfect in every way, from his mudflap ears to his clown feet... I wouldn't have him any other way.....btw, does anyone else thing that because I have red hair and green eyes that, perhaps Clay and I are DESTINED to "be as one"??????
2003-08-21 07:36:28

He gets me so hot and bothered, I can't even spell!!! that las post should read, "btw, does anyone else thinK....." And Robin, AMEN!!!!!!!
2003-08-21 07:38:29

LAST, not las
2003-08-21 07:38:58

Yeah, and you know what RULES about latter-half-of-the-tour-Clay? HE'S GROWING HIS SIDEBURNS BACK! Yeah, they're not as long, but oh for the love of God he's got sideburns again! Do you realize how much of HOT LONG SIDEBURN CLAY we missed out on because they didn't show him in Glendale? Oh my god...that one teensy clip they showed on the finale night is enough to make me want to become better acquainted with my shower massage...
2003-08-24 02:14:06

You expressed my feelings so exactly. I know you were expressing your own, but mine are so echoed by yours that reading it...and seeing the pictures that spoke along with it actually brought a tear to my eye. Bravo!
2003-09-01 02:47:26

WOW! You have said it all. Everything that has been in my mind since Atlanta is all here. Clay of course is the best. And ladies, I have to warn you that I am on board the Clay Train, CHOO, CHOO! Anyone else agree with me here. Clay is my kind of man. I believe with all my heart that we were meant to be together and I would get in line behind any of you only to make it to the front and fight you off MY MAN! Now don't get me wrong ladies, I am not here to step on anyone's toes, although I probably already have, I am just here to say that I LOVE CLAYTON HOLMES AIKEN. I absolutely love him and everything about his style, voice, personality, look, and I even love the freckles on his adorable little honker. In fact, I would love nothing more than to count those freckles and find out if there are anymore anywhere else.
2003-09-01 22:15:19

Diana DaSilva
2003-11-06 07:16:39

Bev Tindall
Couldnt have said it better...That holds for any age too..Im old enough to be his young Grandma..He is truly ONE OF A KIND...
2004-01-29 09:09:50

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