
Damn right!! Remember in the good ol' days...even the lame-ass stupid songs at least were in EFFING ENGLISH and had actual WORDS in them. (okay, "oo-ee-oo-ah-ah-ting-tang-walla-walla-bing-bang" notwithstanding) And don't get me started on how R Kelly keeps winning awards and selling albums while country music radio stations all over the south refuse to play the Dixie Chicks...hey, feel free to eff a 13 year old and film it, but you'd better not diss the president! Oh it just makes me want to rip Clay's stripey shirt right off of wait, I wanted to do that anyway! ;o)
2003-08-13 12:59:40

Katynka (Kat)
I'm ashamed that you, Marie, an English major, don't know that an extra "o" in the second "oooh" is a traditional poetic device going back all the way to Shakespeare. Don't you remember, for example: "Ooh, parting is such oooh sweet sorrow"? Or how about, "My mistress' eyes, ooh, are nothing like the oooh sun."
2003-08-13 13:06:46

I can't stand listening to the radio anymore. ps--you so cannot have my clutch photo!
2003-08-13 13:30:35

I'm wit U, man! Where da literacy at in ths songs? I h8 radio cuz of stuff like that 2! UR rite! Hehehe...
2003-08-13 13:34:28

Yes, now I understand why U RAWK and U R So Kewl are ubiquitous in Diaryland. It's the radio's fault.
2003-08-13 13:36:35

Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis? Dontchoo no that theyz jest reprasentin' tha street, ma nizzle?
2003-08-13 13:44:42

Wendfizzle in the Floshizzle Ma Nizzle..
Yo Dawg, Fo Shizzle, ma nizzle... wut up whichur baad self?? Rok Wit U RAWKS ... okay, I've got to stop this... I'm starting to get nauseated too...
2003-08-13 14:42:18

Amen, muh sista! Word! My local radio station won't even play TITN (or FWW,thankfully) because the director's wife (also an on-air "personality" and his co-host of the morning show)is a major b***h with an anti-American Idol attitude. I had to switch to Clay's CD twice in one hour today because they played two Meow B'atch "songs".She will always be the "Artist" Formerly Known As Michelle Branch to me.
2003-08-13 15:55:18

Is it some kind of technicality that keeps "BOTW" from being played/ranked, etc.? Though Clay sings TITN great, the lyrics are a little too 13-year-old girly for me ("never be lonely again"?), but I think there was an utterly enormous response to how Clay did BOTW. (Ah, just remembered how RCA over-orchestrated it; hope they clean it up for the album).
2003-08-13 17:25:28

The problem is that they are wearing out the song during the pre-release period when it does not count toward chart time. Then all those weeks of exposure all get rolled into the first weeks chart slot. So it got #1 right off the bat, but just for a short time, instead of saying in the tops slots for many weeks. Mis-handling. They are doing the same thing with his upcoming Album < sigh >.
2003-08-14 09:29:11

Dang! Always hitting buttons I don't mean to. Anyway, this is a little late but I have to agree with you about the decline of the english language. Have you seen the new words that have been added to the latest Websters? They aren't words, they're slang. That was the right side of my brain speaking. Now the left. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the evolution of our language is fueled by the popular culture, assimilating the subculture's vernacular into the mainstream of accepted speach. If this were not the way it worked, we would all be saying thee and thou. But I still agree with you, I don't want to be listening to the evening news in 20 years and have it sound like those gawd awful so called songs! I also love to listen to Clay sing because I can understand him.
2003-08-19 23:02:16

Oh my God, you are amazing!!! I stumbled across your site by accident, and I decided to casually browse through some of its pages. You're hysterical! Virtually EVERYTHING you say has been something I myself have thought at some point, especially your comments about the non-English songs beating Clay on the Billboard charts (and yes, i hate Michelle Branch with a passion as well, after she declared on Z100 that "Rolling Stone isn't what it used to be now that they have Clay on the cover"). Excellent site, keep up the good work! It's so refreshing to see such an opinionated, dedicated fellow Clay fan :)
2003-08-22 21:26:17

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