
Gold! However I got a little distracted when he was working the soap into a good lather!
2003-08-02 08:59:15

Wendy in FL
You said "glom" - I LOVE ITTTTTTT!!!!!!!
2003-08-02 09:24:26

AMEN! I'm not even certain this reporter was accurate. I read somewhere that Clay is allergic to shellfish and mushrooms. Those clams and chanterelles would be a huge no-no! I think the Clanation should rise up and put the word out that we will not buy or otherwise support any magazine, tv program, etc. that photgraphs or reports on Clay's private life. Obsessive reporters and photographers and the people who buy their wares were the dirct cause of Princess Diana's death. Did we learn nothing from that? Marie, you rock!!!
2003-08-02 09:57:09

You are , as always, eloquent...and correct! No one should bother the boy while indulging in any of his private functions...and the report is totally wrong anyway! Where did it come from? Too many "no nos" on that menu...was it meant to be a joke, perhaps? Or did Simon or Rubens family prepare the meal????
2003-08-02 10:18:48

Tanya a/k/a T_Lady
Marie.....fantastic reporting! Does Clay lurk this site, too? Would love for him to see THAT Clay of the Day - maybe it would inspire him to FIRE HIS HANDLERS. The scenario you presented is exactly what LBFCA EM would prevent. Ladies...let's start an Event Management company!!!! da WO-MAN...
2003-08-02 11:16:46

Oh God, I hope there is no lurking going on. This site has the word "stalker" written all over it. I promise you, I am not a crazed fan. I am just amused with myself.
2003-08-02 11:35:53

Why wasn't there any mention of Ranch Dressing in that article?
2003-08-02 13:20:29

Brenda NYC
Marie: I totally agree with you!!! He will have no privacy now. It goes to show you that the "papparazzi" reporting is starting to happen. BTW, maybe this was Ruben's meal.
2003-08-02 13:44:02

Okay, does ANYONE
2003-08-02 19:55:01

see the irony in being judgmental about Clay's lack of food-eating privacy whilst his private parts are vividly (and artistically) displayed? I mean, I think it's all in fun and not to be taken seriously, but if you were in the public eye, which would embarrass you more, 8 pics of your package and 7 of your ass, with accompanying verse, or someone leaking that you had duck for dinner? (Just keepin' it real)
2003-08-02 19:58:42

Hahahahahahaha! I love it Lyn! So true, so true. Good point.
2003-08-02 22:26:21

Must ABSOLUTELY agree with Lyn, although the whole Princess Diana thing is scary - especially since just the other day I was thinking that Clay could end up with the same kind of following. Part of what attracts and intrigues us about Clay is Clay the person - I want to KNOW him (no! you bad girls not THAT way - okay, ya, that way too...) I feel like he is the kind of person I would really like as a friend - and not because he is totally cute, hot, gorgeous, delicious, amazing singer, melts me with his eyes, can't take my eyes off his mouth except to look into his eyes or maybe to check out....., etc. etc. - because he is so genuine and caring and incredibly intelligent, the best "good sport" I have EVER run into (Ooow - hot - idea of colliding with Clay... can't breathe, heart racing, we both fell down... now the REST is too private to share.....!!)
2003-09-06 05:29:02

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