clay of the day





2004 Claybie Awards

10:52 p.m.


I have a new favorite toy.

My friend SillyRed introduced it to me.

It's an online translator. If you are a big dork like me, this will be FUN for you.

I spent precious moments yesterday translating sentences from English into other European languages.

Of course the sentences were about Clay Aiken.

It's funny how universal truths can be easily understood in any language. Check it out.

Italian: L'argilla Aiken � dang di ding sexy.

Spanish: La arcilla Aiken es el Idol americano.

French: L'argile Aiken est le boule duveteuse.

German: Lehm Aiken ist eine kleine Butterblume.

My favorite part is that it actually TRANSLATES the word CLAY!

And I couldn't pass up an opportunity for this translation:

Italian: Che cosa � in su con i boobs dell'uomo del Simon?

Spanish: �Cu�l est� para arriba con los boobs del hombre de Simon?

French: Qu'est vers le haut avec les boobs de l'homme de Simon?

German: Was ist oben mit boobs Mann Simons?

See what I mean about those universal truths?

Click here for translator fun!

clay before
clay after

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